October 15, 2020




What is the Enneagram?

Is it a fad? Is it psychology? It is science? (Not really.)

It’s a tool. A model. A helper.

In short, the Enneagram has been around in some form for many years. In it’s essence, the Enneagram is a tool for transformation.

Having been trained and certified in personality assessments like DISC, Myers-Briggs, StrengthsFinder & more, I have found the Enneagram to be a better model that goes deeper than personality traits.

As the statistician, George Box, purportedly stated, “All models are wrong, but some are useful.”

The Enneagram doesn’t put us in a box, as Suzanne Stabile fondly says. “The Enneagram shows us which box we have put ourselves in.”

Lisa Rieck states, “It helps us see core fears, motivations, desires, strengths, blind spots, stressors, and sins that most often trip us up. When used in Christian contexts, it shows us aspects of God’s character and connects us more closely to the truth that we are made in his image and meant to reflect him in the world.”

Here’s a free test to take if you’re interested. A better paid test is here.

Tests really aren’t enough.

You’ll need to spend more time to see the transformation.

I will help you with that.