I am Del Griffith

Although the Christmas holiday season has come and gone, I’ve been thinking about a scene from one of my favorite holiday movies, Planes, Trains and Automobiles. The film was released in 1987. Steve Martin plays the role of Neal Page, a successful but buttoned-up marketing executive struggling to make it home for the holidays. In his[…]

The Red Salmon Story

Something wasn’t working for me. Basically, Life. I was in a career quandary.  My relationship with my lovely wife was a shambles. I think my kids were scared of me. Life wasn’t working for me.  I was stuck.  Just being aware that life isn’t working was a big deal.  I tried some counseling and that[…]

The difference between Coaching and Counseling (Therapy)

First, no matter who you choose at whatever point you are in your life – you’re making a great choice to better your life! The difference between Coaching and Counseling has to do with where they start and where they finish. Counseling Today states that life coaches focus on creating a new path in order[…]